The Future of Food Conference 2021

      The Future of Food Conference will provide a high-level platform to discuss future trends and priorities in food innovation in Europe, in the broader context of the UN …

European Rural Networks’ Assembly

        The 8th Rural Networks’ Assembly, the main governance body of the ENRD and the EIP-AGRI networks, took place on 7 December. The meeting was opened by Wolfgang …

The 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference

    The 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference took place online on 9 and 10 December. The theme of this year’s event was ‘Fit for 2030 – resilient EU agri-food systems …

Διαλέξεις για τεχνικό έλεγχο ψεκαστήρων

Θα πραγματοποιηθούν 'Διαλέξεις για Τεχνικό Έλεγχο Ψεκαστήρων' στα Επαρχιακά Γεωργικά Γραφεία Πιτσιλιάς και Λεμεσού τις ακόλουθες ημερομηνίες: Επαρχιακό Γεωργικό Γραφείο Πιτσιλιάς Α/Α ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ ΩΡΑ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΧΩΡΟΣ 1 11/01/2022 5 μ.μ. Αγρός- …

EU Missions info days – a Soil Deal for Europe

The Commission launches the first fully-fledged research and innovation actions that will launch missions into the implementation stage. The Commission invites researchers and innovators as well as citizens and all interested …

1st meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group on Rural Proofing

Rural proofing is a mechanism that can help boost rural revitalisation by ensuring all relevant policies are aligned with rural needs and realities. It is also one of the transversal elements …

Best4Soil online conference


It is harvest time for the Best4Soil project. In their online conference on 16 February 2022 they will showcase the project results with the help of many dedicated people all over Europe you …

Salon international de l’agricolture 2022

    This fall 2021 marks the return of "physical events" and among them, agricultural shows. The key to this is the pleasure of meeting again. The teams at the Paris …